NSF Grant Results
Preliminary results have been presented at the following conferences (corresponding papers were included in the conference proceedings for ASEE conferences).
- Gattis, Carol, Thomas Carter and Bryan Hill, “A Bridge to Success: Transitioning Minority Students through an Engineering Summer Bridge Program,” Proceedings of the 115th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, June 22-25, 2008, AC 2008-1866.
- Gattis, Carol, Shannon Davis, Bryan Hill and Patricia Kirkwood, “ECAP: A Recruitment-to-Graduation Program for Underrepresented Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the 115th Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, June 22-25, 2008, AC 2008-1874.
- Gattis, C.S., B.W. Hill, T. Shields, S.G. Davis, “Breaking Barriers: Pathways to Graduation for Underrepresented Talent,” Proceedings of the 117th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exhibition, Louisville, KY, June 2010, AC2010-1286.
Refereed Presentations:
- Hill, Bryan and Carol Gattis, “Partnerships to Recruit and Retain Diverse Students into STEM Fields,” 2012 College Board Southwestern Regional Forum, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 2012.
- Gattis, Carol, Thomas Carter, Bryan Hill and Todd Shields, "Engineering Minority Students with Financial Need: GPA and Retention Success through Advising," 2012 National Conference of the Academic Advising Association (NACADA), Nashville, TN, October 4-7, 2012.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant Number DUE-0807180
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation